Saturday, October 13, 2012

Birthday Book Haul Part 2!

I know I had a birthday book haul last week, but I have since spent more money on more books, so I wanted to yell you all about them. I bought a few books on Amazon, and a few at a used book store.

Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne
This book has been stalking me on Amazon! Every time I browse this shows up under the Recommended list. I decided to get this when I was going to buy a few DVD's. It sounds really good, but I haven't heard anybody talk about it yet!

A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
Everybody has read this except me! I really want to read more historical fiction, and this seemed like a good one to start with.

Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
I saw the Atlas Shrugged movie in school but we didn't read the book (Blasphemy! In English class!) Anyways, I loved the movie and I really want to read the book now. (Part 2 of the movie came out yesterday! I WILL be seeing this!) But Atlas Shrugged was $15 on Amazon, but both it and The Fountainhead were about $14, so I decided to get both. I have only ever read Anthem by Ayn Rand, so I'm excited to read more!

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
I know, I know, I already own this. But the edition I have is about the height of my hand, and they crammed a million words onto every page. I really wanted to re-read this, but I needed a new edition. So I finally caved and got a new one. I will be re-reading this soon! (The edition I already had is the UK edition, and I only got it for about 1 pound.)

This Side Of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald
I can't remember the edition I got (it hasn't come in yet) but I do know that it isn't this one. I needed to spend about $3 more to get free shipping so I was looking through the cheap classics and I decided on this one.

For Kindle:
American Gods Tenth Anniversary Edition by Neil Gaiman
I was about to get this at Barnes and Noble last week for $15, and I'm so glad I didn't! The next day I was browsing on the Kindle Store, and I saw this, the Tenth Anniversary Edition with Audio and Video for $3.99! I was SO excited! I love Neil Gaiman and I really want to read more of his books!

Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King
I didn't actually buy this, but I got it from my state's eBook library program. I tried to get some eBooks from my library about a year ago, but you had to do tons of stuff and install some sort of software to your Kindle and I just didn't feel like it. So I was happy to find out that they improved their program.

1984 by George Orwell
I don't know much about this, but I do know it's a classic dystopian, and I love both classics and dystopian!

Life of Pi by Yann Martel
After much thought, I have decided to buy this. I have heard a lot of good things about it, but I have also heard that the author is very pretentious, and I hate people like that. So hopefully I can enjoy the story and not worry about the author too much, because the story actually sounds good.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon
I swear, if I had a dollar for every time I almost bought this, I would have enough money to buy this. It is an expensive paperback. It wasn't because I didn't think I would like it, I have read the sample on my Kindle, it was just because it was expensive (for a paperback). But I saw it today for very cheap, and I couldn't resist.  I am still about the seventh person on the waiting list at my library for this, but now I don't have to wait any longer! 

So that was my book haul, I hope you guys enjoyed it! 

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